Brushed Satin (Majestic) Tablecloth




Reversible fabric.


Please note, our swatches are currently only available for the matte side. If you’d like to see a sample of this fabric, we invite you to come into our showroom, or request a sample. We will mail you one completely free!


Additional information


Aqua, Chocolate, Deep Royal, Goldenrod, Ice Blue, Kelly, Slate, Acid Green, Aubergine, Ice Pink, Burgundy, Burnt Orange, Cafe, Camel, Caribbean, Black, Charcoal, Cherry Red, Cobalt, Coral, Cornsilk, Emerald, Espresso, Gold, Holiday Red, Hunter, Ivory, Lilac, Light Pink, Tan, Sage, Silver, Light Blue, Periwinkle, Teal, Royal, Navy, Ice Peach / Blush, Raspberry, Plum, Purple, Orange, Lemon, Lime, Moss, Watermelon, Turquoise, White


90" Round Tablecloth, 120" Round Tablecloth, 90 x 156" Tablecloth, 132" Round Tablecloth